SmartRisk Services Can Avoid Liability Claims and Reduce Risks

As part of our Architects & Engineers coverage, we provide all policyholders with free Risk Management and loss Control Support. SmartRisk®, a leading, independent risk performance consultancy for design professionals, provides these services and a firm-specific risk assessment called an SR Risk Profile®.   

By analyzing more than 25 years of data and 25,000 professional liability claims against architects, engineers, general contractors, and other service providers, SmartRisk has created a series of value-added services that don’t just benefit insurance underwriters and their brokers, but also the clients they serve. These services, provided free of cost to Admiral professional liability policyholders, have proactively helped hundreds of firms reduce their claims exposure.

How the SmartRisk Risk Profile Survey Benefits Insureds

When an insured fills out the SmartRisk Risk Profile Survey, it helps to identify potential risk factors more accurately, allowing Admiral and its brokers to avoid premium leakage while giving the best quote possible. But it also creates a tool to help clients reduce liability exposure and improve risk management protocols.

Using insights gleaned from the survey, SmartRisk can provide customized feedback tailored to each client based on their size, business portfolio, and other key factors in the form of a SmartRisk Risk Management Action Plan. By offering clients insight into potential vulnerabilities, outlining best practices, and recommending changes to risk management protocols, SmartRisk can help insureds avoid costly claims and ultimately reduce their premiums.

Related: View our A&E On-Demand Webinars

Free SmartRisk Contract Reviews

In addition to a personalized risk management assessment and action plan, architects, engineers, and contractors with professional liability insurance through Admiral can get free contract reviews from SmartRisk. This is an especially valuable service for smaller businesses that may not have in-house counsel. Some of the key contract provisions that SmartRisk professionals review to help limit liability exposure include:

  • Indemnity
  • Warranties and guarantees
  • Standards of care

SmartRisk Consulting and Risk Management Educational Resources

If an insured is seeking loss prevention assistance, has questions about implementing new risk management protocols, or needs a contract review, SmartRisk offers free virtual and in some cases, in-person consulting for its professional liability insurance policyholders and provides newsletters, webinars, and other educational resources to help insureds better manage their risks. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Project & client selection
  • Contracts
  • Effective communication and documentation
  • Risk management training for employees    

For more helpful tips on minimizing professional liability exposure, check out the SmartRisk Newsletter.

If you are a retail agent or broker with clients in the architecture and engineering industry, we encourage you to connect with one of our wholesale broker partners.

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