Cannabis Insurance FAQ

We’ve compiled frequently asked questions about our Comprehensive Cannabis Program for Dispensaries to help you better understand our coverage for cannabis cultivators, wholesalers, processors, and dispensaries.

What coverages are offered for cannabis dispensaries?

When obtaining a quote for the General Liability, Admiral brokers are able to request quotes through Berkley Connect for additional lines of coverage using the Comprehensive Cannabis application.

In which states do you offer these additional coverages?

Availability varies by coverage and state. View the map of available states and coverages.

How do I get a quote for these additional coverages?

In addition to general and product liability through Admiral, brokers have exclusive access to propertyworkers compensation, and employment practices liability through Berkley Connect.

 Who is underwriting these additional lines?

All lines in the Comprehensive Cannabis Program are provided by other Berkley companies, ensuring a uniform and consistent approach. Policies are offered by Berkley member insurance companies rated A+ (Superior), Financial Size Category XV by A.M. Best.

Do you offer these additional coverages for other types of cannabis businesses?

Berkley Connect is currently only able to provide property, workers compensation, Product Recall Expense and EPLI coverage for cannabis dispensaries at this time.

Can I get property, workers compensation, Product Recall Expense or employment practices liability coverage as a stand-alone policy?

Additional coverages are only available when the General Liability coverage is bound with Admiral. Quotes provided by Berkley Connect for each line of business are subject to the underwriting guidelines applicable to that line. A General Liability quote provided by Admiral does not guarantee a quote for other lines.

*Additional coverages are only available when bound with the Admiral CGL policy. Quotes for each line of business are subject to the underwriting guidelines applicable to that line and a CGL quote does not guarantee a quote for other lines.

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